Your ANPR system should be capable of delivering at least 98% accuracy of all vehicle reads. However, to achieve this, the system needs to be designed and installed correctly. Here are our ten commandments of ANPR installation to ensure maximum efficiency. To read the full article download the pdf below.

The most important consideration when designing any ANPR system is to ensure the vehicle images are up to standard. Get this right and almost all ANPR recognition software will return success rates over 95%. Get it wrong and you could be faced with some expensive modifications.

With that in mind, here are our top 10 recommendations for a successful ANPR system.

  1. Location, location, location
  2. Choose the right camera for the location
  3. Site the camera well
  4. Zoom in close
  5. Avoid blurred images
  6. Driver images
  7. Software – start with the basics
  8. Keep your data secure
  9. Don’t use a domestic platform for an industrial application
  10. Try before you buy

ClearView have produced a FREE guide to help you discover The 10 Commandments of ANPR which will ensure that your ANPR system reads at maximum accuracy.

Read the full guide – The 10 Commandments of ANPR document

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